- 2 idei intr-un minut
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- 2 Idei: De ce scriu despre prietenie
2 Idei: De ce scriu despre prietenie
1. Mi-a atras atentia cineva ca scriu foarte des despre prietenie.
M-a intrigat asa ca m-am apucat sa revad editiile anterioare.
Mare dreptate a avut.
Cred ca desi fugim dupa lucruri punctuale care sa ne valideze, substanta care ne tine in viata e conexiunea cu ceilalti.
Pe masura ce tehnologia avanseaza, tendinta e sa superficializam conexiunile. E firesc; suntem primele generatii care suntem loviti de o revolutie atat de mare si de greu de cuprins cu mintea mostenita din alte vremuri.
Invatam ce e bine si ce e rau, dar inca nu stim cum sa navigam astfel incat sa o folosim cat mai mult in favoarea noastra.
Probabil si scrisul asta despre prietenie e o incercare a mea de a nu pierde din vedere ce conteaza. De a-mi pastra North star-ul.
2. Mi-a placut asa mult ce spune Magnus Carlsen in dialogul asta incat nici nu imi vine sa adaug altceva:
Magnus Carlsen: I realize from time to time you know people who are not particularly strong players, but still, they are very good players. But they could be one of the best if they just had more confidence. I’m analyzing with them when I’m looking at chess, I realize, they know everything about the game, but nevertheless, they cannot play.
Charlie Rose: There is a missing thing.
Magnus Carlsen: Yes.
Charlie Rose: Yes. And to me, it’s like a winner’s edge?
Magnus Carlsen: Yes, you need to have that. You need to have that edge, you need to have that confidence, you need to have that absolute belief that you’re — you’re the best, and you’ll win every time.
Pe maine,
P.S. “If a man knows not which port he sails, no wind is favourable”